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Going to Arena Bercy for the 2024 Olympics

The months are numbered until the opening ceremony of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games , and it is high time to book your hotel room to attend the sporting events. Do you have tickets for a competition which will take place at the Accor Arena Bercy ? Find out how to get there from Hotel B55.The history of the Arena BercyAmong the sites hosting the sports competitions of the 2024 Olympic Games, the Arena Bercy , or Accor Arena Paris Bercy, is one of the emblematic places of culture and sport in Paris. Recognizable by its famous pyramid-shaped architecture, the Accor Arena is the venue for numerous events, such as tennis tournaments and all kinds of sporting events. But the site also serves as a concert and performance hall, and has thus welcomed French and international artists, such as Johnny Hallyday or Madonna, for a huge legendary concert, and more recently, the comedian Jérémy Ferrari.Created in 1984, the Accor Arena was completely renovated in 2015, in order to modernize its structure. It can now accommodate up to 15,000 spectators , and is the ideal place to watch the Olympic Games events.Where is the Accor Arena located?The Accor Arena Bercy is located in Paris (75), in the 12th arrondissement. The entrance to the Paris sports center is located at number 8 on Boulevard de Bercy , and has all the facilities to experience a magical moment: restaurants, counters, accessibility for people with reduced mobility, etc.How to get to the Accor Arena during the Olympic events?To get to the Accor Arena , the easiest way is to take public transport . During peak periods, as will be the case during the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics, the metro is the best way to avoid heavy road traffic.The Accor Arena is thus served by the “Bercy” metro station (lines 6 and 14), as well as by the “Gare de Lyon” hub (RER A and D, metro 1 and train R). If you wish to come by car, paid parking lots are available near the Arena (be careful of traffic restrictions).From the B55 hotel, you can attend sporting events by taking metro line 6, from the “Glacière” metro station, and to the “Bercy” station (direct line). You will reach the place in less than 25 minutes.Program of events for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games at the Bercy ArenaFrom July 27 to August 11, 2024 for the 2024 Games, and from August 28 to September 8 for the Paralympic Games, the Accor Arena will welcome many French and international athletes . Several sporting disciplines will be in the spotlight.Basketball : final stages of tournaments (men and women);Artistic gymnastics : floor exercises (men and women), team competition (men and women), all-around (men and women), vault (men and women), uneven bars (women), balance beam (women), rings (men), pommel horse (men), parallel bars (men) and high bar (men);Trampoline : individual event (men and women);Wheelchair basketball (men and women).Practical information on the Accor ArenaTo fully enjoy sporting events, here are some rules to follow within the Arena Bercy :There is no age limit (although children under 3 are not recommended). However, strollers and prams are prohibited (€2 deposit);It is forbidden to enter with food, bottles, water bottles, or even cans from outside;It is prohibited to take photos or film the event;Animals are prohibited;Backpacks, travel bags and handbags are not permitted;Smoking is prohibited within the premises.The legendary Parisian venue of the Accor Arena will be the site of exceptional sporting events during the 2024 Games . It is advisable to prepare your visit as best as possible to fully enjoy this incredible experience.


A look back at the 2024 Chinese New Year in Paris

Like every year, the Chinese New Year was widely celebrated in Paris. From February 8 to 25, 2024, the festivities allowed numerous visitors to immerse themselves in Chinese culture, through shows, exhibitions, and the famous colorful parade. Let’s rediscover all the events that marked Chinese New Year 2024 in Paris , and how we celebrated the entry into the year of the Wooden Dragon.Lunar New Year paradesAccording to the Chinese calendar, the new year begins on the second new moon after the winter solstice. We then speak of Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year . In Vietnam, this celebration falls on the same day, and is called the Tet festival. To respect Chinese tradition, this festival always begins with a parade.The traditional Chinese New Year parade in the 13th arrondissement of ParisTo end the year of the Water Rabbit and start with dignity In the year of the Wooden Dragon , the 13th arrondissement of Paris organized its famous festive parade . On Sunday February 18, 2024, the participants put on their traditional costumes and paraded to the rhythm of Chinese music. The dragon dance, so dear to the traditional Lunar New Year celebration, therefore took place between Avenue de Choisy, Porte de Choisy and Avenue d’Ivry.Many associations celebrated the event in good spirits, introducing thousands of spectators to Chinese folklore.The Lunar New Year parade at Faubourg Saint-HonoréA few days before the traditional Paris 13 parade, the Faubourg Saint-Honoré Committee opened the festivities with a colorful Chinese New Year parade . On February 13, 2024, visitors gathered at the corner of Faubourg Saint-Honoré and rue Royale, in the 8th arrondissement, to attend the famous magical parade. During this exceptional day, Parisian associations staged the lion dance , dragons, and of course, the traditional lanterns.Chinese New Year’s Day 2024 entertainmentTo celebrate the New Year, great events were organized throughout the capital. Let’s remember 2 notable events from these two weeks of celebration.The Bastille marketThe Year of the Wooden Dragon was widely celebrated on Saturday February 17, at the Bastille market , in the 1st arrondissement of Paris. From 12 p.m. to 9 p.m., numerous activities allowed Parisians and tourists to experience this moment of celebration according to Chinese tradition .On the program: lantern-making workshop, artistic performances (demonstration of traditional dances, martial arts, etc.), calligraphy and Chinese painting workshops, etc.And to learn about Chinese gastronomy, no less than 40 Asian food stands were set up and offered traditional dishes.The festivities at the Guimet museumThe National Museum of Asian Arts was there to welcome the new year under the sign of the Wooden Dragon. To celebrate this unmissable festival, the Guimet museum has therefore offered a vast program based on lion dance, screenings of short films, meetings, and even workshops. Throughout the weekend of February 9, 10 and 11, as well as Wednesday February 21, 2024, the facade of the museum also displayed a sublime magical mapping.Treat yourself to Asian specialties for Chinese New Year 2024To properly celebrate the Chinese New Year and fully immerse yourself in Chinese culture, nothing beats delicious cuisine with Asian flavors.The best Chinese restaurants in ParisTo discover a new culture, tasting culinary traditions is essential. Chinese gastronomy has many specialties, more or less well known, such as longevity noodles (the longer the noodle, the better the year promises to be), Lok Ba Go (radish cake), dumplings, or again the Bánh chưng. So, to fly to China in one bite, here are some addresses of the best Asian restaurants in Paris :The Mirama (Paris 5);Les Pâtes Vivantes (Paris 9);La Pâtisserie de Choisy (Paris 13);Gros Bao (Paris 10);Le Tse Yang (Paris 16);Le Panda Panda (Paris 10)…If you want to experience more refined Chinese cuisine, you will need to go to a gourmet Chinese restaurant . We recommend the gourmet restaurant Lili, which also offered a special Chinese New Year menu. You can also go to Shrangi-La or Bauhinia, two essential addresses for Asian cuisine in Paris.The Belleville food marketIf you like street food, you definitely know the Belleville Food Market , in the 20th arrondissement of Paris. If you always find the best dishes to enjoy on the go, many events are also celebrated there, such as the arrival of Beaujolais Nouveau. Logically, the Lunar New Year was celebrated there on February 15, 2024. The Asian community was then able to showcase its culinary traditions, to the great pleasure of visitors.Every year, Paris celebrates Chinese New Year with great fervor. This is the opportunity to discover Asian culture, and to experience a unique moment of conviviality and good humor.


FIAP & the B55 hotel: accommodation and seminar room for your business stay

Paris est un point névralgique majeur pour bien des entreprises. Facilement accessible depuis toutes les villes de France, d’Europe et du monde, la capitale française est le siège de nombreuses rencontres professionnelles. Vous prévoyez de séjourner à Paris pour un voyage d’affaires ? Découvrez les conseils de l’hôtel B55 et de la FIAP pour trouver un hébergement et une salle de séminaire pour votre déplacement professionnel.Bien préparer votre voyage d’affairesLes déplacements professionnels ont souvent de gros enjeux pour une entreprise ou un professionnel, il est donc impératif de l’anticiper et l’organiser. Pour cela, plusieurs étapes sont à respecter.Définir les différents objectifs du séjour professionnelLe principal objectif avant votre départ est de pouvoir définir très précisément le motif de votre voyage. Que ce soit pour décrocher un nouveau contrat, rencontrer des partenaires ou encore développer votre réseau, vous devez définir avec précision les raisons qui vous poussent à venir à Paris pour le travail.Cela vous permettra par la suite d’organiser vos journées et de garder en tête le but à atteindre, pour ne pas vous disperser. Si vous avez plusieurs personnes à rencontrer, par exemple, assurez-vous de vérifier leur disponibilité, de préciser le lieu de rencontre (et le réserver si vous en avez la charge), et de préparer chaque entretien ou réunion avec professionnalisme. Enfin, en fonction de votre planning, vous pourrez déterminer la durée de votre voyage d’affaires.Anticiper toutes les réservationsUne fois que vous avez fixé la durée et les objectifs de votre déplacement professionnel, vous pouvez commencer à gérer l’organisation du séjour, et notamment les diverses réservations.Les moyens de transport : en fonction de vos besoins pour votre activité professionnelle, vous devrez réserver vos billets d’avion auprès d’une compagnie aérienne, vos billets de train, ou encore votre voiture de location ;Le logement : les voyageurs professionnels sont souvent hébergés dans des hôtels ou des appartements de location, qu’il faut réserver à l’avance. Pensez à vérifier si votre entreprise n’a pas un partenariat ou un programme de fidélité auprès d’un établissement ;La restauration : si vous prévoyez de déjeuner avec d’autres professionnels, il peut être prudent de réserver une table à l’avance. À l’hôtel, il est souvent conseillé de réserver pour le petit-déjeuner. Enfin, pensez à repérer les restaurants aux alentours de vos lieux de travail ;Les lieux de rencontres professionnelles : si vous avez la charge de la gestion du voyage d’affaires, vous devrez trouver et réserver une salle de réunion, une salle de séminaire, une salle de conférence, ainsi que les équipements nécessaires (vidéoprojecteur, micro, paperboard…).Réunir tous les documents pour voyager l’esprit tranquilleLes voyages professionnels demandent beaucoup d’organisation, et si on pense souvent à ce que l’on va faire sur place, il faut aussi penser à tous les à-côtés, comme le trajet, les transports sur place, et l’hébergement. De nombreux documents peuvent vous être demandés au cours de votre séjour d’affaires, vous devez donc penser à les réunir (papiers d’identité, demandes de visas, passeport, billet de transport, cartes de visite…).Profiter d’un hôtel 4 étoiles pour votre séjour d’affaire à ParisSi vous préférez la résidence hôtelière à la location d’appartement, l’hôtel B55 vous accueille dans un cadre idéal pour des missions professionnelles de bonne qualité.Un hôtel spa moderne et confortableNiché dans le 13e arrondissement de Paris, l’hôtel 4 étoiles B55 vous offre tout le confort qui vous est nécessaire pour travailler dans les meilleures conditions. Vous profiterez alors d’une chambre spacieuse et chaleureuse, avec une salle de bain privative, une télévision écran plat, le WiFi illimité et gratuit, la climatisation et le chauffage, une literie de qualité…Idéal pour vous reposer après une bonne journée de travail, le B55 fait partie des meilleurs hôtels parisiens. Et pour assurer une détente absolue, l’hôtel propose également un espace bien-être et spa, avec piscine et sauna, ainsi qu’un distributeur de vin au verre.Un hôtel d’affaires idéalement situé dans ParisTrès bien desservi par les transports en commun, l’hôtel B55 se trouve à proximité du quartier d’affaires de Montparnasse (15 mn ligne de métro 6), et du parc des expositions de la Porte de Versailles (30 mn tramway T3a). Vous pourrez alors rejoindre vos lieux de rendez-vous sans contrainte, ni stress, après une bonne nuit de sommeil dans notre hôtel 4 étoiles.Des espaces de travail à proximitéPour vous permettre de travailler dans les meilleures conditions, vous pouvez profiter de votre chambre d’hôtel tout confort, ou vous installer dans la grande salle du B55. Mais vous pouvez également vous rendre à l’espace de coworking StartWay, non loin de l’hôtel. Vous y trouverez des bureaux partagés et privatifs à la location.Assanabel, votre restaurant près de l’hôtelPour un repas professionnel, ou simplement pour vous régaler après une journée de travail, le restaurant Assanabel vous accueille dans une ambiance chaleureuse, autour d’une cuisine libanaise. À seulement 8 minutes à pied de l’hôtel, ce restaurant vous ravira avec sa cuisine généreuse et savoureuse élaborée à partir de produits de qualité.Vous prévoyez de séjourner à Paris pour le travail ? L’hôtel B55 met à votre disposition une chambre confortable et propose des tarifs préférentiels pour les séjours professionnels.


How to organize a business trip?

A business trip often represents an important challenge for a professional or for a company. Generally of short duration, this business trip must therefore be anticipated to optimize as much as possible these few days taken from usual working time. Let’s discover, with the B55 hotel, all the tips for successfully organizing a professional trip.Define the framework for business travelWhether you use a travel agency or organize your business trip alone, you will always need to start by contextualizing the business trip .How important is this business trip?A business trip represents a challenge in several respects, and it is essential to take a step back to determine if this travel project is really essential. Indeed, it is necessary to analyze the impact that this could have on professional activity, by comparing it to the time that it will require from the professional (which he will not spend doing something else that is perhaps more profitable) , the costs that this will generate, but also the impact on corporate social responsibility (CSR) . Identifying essential business trips is a real strategy for a company’s activity, but also for its carbon footprint.What is the purpose of this business trip?To understand the benefit of professional travel for companies, it is essential to define their objectives and analyze what this will bring. Whether it takes the form of a meeting, a trade fair, or a simple appointment, the professional mission must always have a very specific objective.Where does the corporate trip take place?Knowing the destination of the business trip allows you to prepare, whether by choosing the mode of transport, anticipating travel costs, but also by preparing the stay (local currency, time difference, local customs, etc.).How long will the business stay be?Knowing precisely the duration of the trip allows you to better manage and optimize time and money. Travel organization therefore involves managing travel, and in particular the time to devote to it, but also by managing accommodation and catering.What is the budget allocated to these travel plans?A professional travel plan must also take the budget into account. Depending on the means of transport and the length of the stay, you will be able to assess the budget to plan . However, you must anticipate additional costs that you do not always think about, so as not to have unpleasant surprises (breakfast at the hotel, parking costs, etc.). It is also important to establish rigorous expense reports to ensure coverage by the company.Plan a careful organization of the business tripA professional stay is often added to an already busy professional schedule. So that the trip does not have too heavy an impact on your business and is truly effective, you need to establish a plan.Know your objectives perfectly : if you leave at the request of your superior, you must know precisely what he expects of you. Managing your various appointments should allow you to prioritize without missing anything;Plan your absence from the office: whether you leave at the last minute or not, you must anticipate your absence with your colleagues, collaborators or clients. An absence email specifying your return date is always welcome, and you can also reschedule your appointments for your return;Confirm each appointment : to ensure that you are not traveling for nothing, it is essential to very precisely formalize each meeting planned during your stay. Ask for frank confirmation of your appointments a few days before your departure, specifying the time and location;Develop optimized travel itineraries : for good organization, the ideal is to organize meetings so that they waste as little time as possible. Transportation between each meeting place can waste a considerable amount of time, so be logical and efficient, this will also remove additional stress.Choose means of transportOrganizing travel for business travelers is quite complex, especially if we take into account responsible travel policies that are increasingly present in companies. The idea is to find the least polluting means of transport, but also the most efficient and profitable.The car: the rental car is the ideal transport for short distance trips, but especially for getting around once you arrive at the place of stay;The train : the advantage of the train is that it is possible to continue working during the journey. It is therefore both fast, practical, and less polluting than the car. On the other hand, it is necessary to study the price and timetables, because flexibility is not always required and does not respond well to travelers’ constraints;The plane : generally speaking, the plane is the fastest mode of transport for medium and long distances. But this requires anticipating travel once there, and taking into account the ecological impact of such a means of transport.Once there, it is always interesting to use public transport . If this is not possible, taxi or car rental can meet travelers’ expectations.Book accommodation for business travelWhen it comes to business travel, the choice of accommodation is crucial. It must be able to allow the professional to rest, without wasting time in transport, and to have all the necessary comfort within reach.You can therefore start your search for booking professional travel by informing yourself about the different policies and agreements of your company. This can impose a chain of hotels on you, for example, or have a loyalty program with a particular accommodation.Then, you will have to choose the accommodation so that it saves time, while taking into account the quality/price ratio . You will therefore be able to study the best offers from hotels and rental apartments located near the different meeting points.Finally, you will need to pay attention to the different options which may result in additional professional expenses.Good to know: booking directly on a hotel’s official website is often cheaper than on comparison sites.Prepare all the essential documents for your professional stayTo travel stress-free and not forget anything, it is wise to make a list of essential documents . You can also dedicate a pocket to these documents, in which you can slip your plane or train tickets, your identity document, your visa (for international travel), your business cards… Think also to digitize these documents, to always have them in your phone.The B55, an ideal hotel for your professional staysTraveling for work is often tiring, so to provide professionals with optimal comfort necessary for rest and quiet work, the 4-star B55 hotel is the ideal accommodation. Located in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, the establishment welcomes you in a warm and cozy space, not far from the Porte de Versailles, the Exhibition Center and the capital’s business districts.The hotel offers negotiable rates for business trips , and a partnership with various professionals allows you to benefit from rental of seminar roomsoutside the establishment.After a great day of work, the professional will be happy to be able to enjoy the hotel spa , with indoor swimming pool and sauna .Managing business travel requires a lot of organization. Whatever the length of stay and the number of participants, the B55 hotel welcomes you to the 13th arrondissement for a quality professional trip.Enjoy Paris as a professional in our other partner hotels:Hôtel du Cadran in Paris 7Hotel de l’Espérance in Paris 5Hotel Elsa in Paris 17Hotel Aiglon in Paris 14Aparthotel in Paris Cadet Résidence


Parc Montsouris: stroll in this superb Parisian park

Paris is best known for its historical monuments and museums, but the city is also full of many spaces, large and small. Among the most visited, the Luxembourg Gardens, the Jardin des Plantes, and the Tuileries Gardens are at the top of the ranking, but do you know the Montsouris Park ? South of Paris, on the left bank, this green setting is a true haven of peace in the heart of the capital.Montsouris park: 15 hectares of greenery in the heart of ParisIn the 14th arrondissement of Paris, Parc Montsouris is a public garden located between rue d’Alésia and the Cité universitaire. It is also this very special location that attracts all students in search of calm and nature. The vast lawns are a call to relaxation and rest, while the 1,400 trees in the park provide shaded spaces perfect for getting some fresh air in summer.Spread over more than 15 hectares of greenery , the garden is one of the most beautiful parks in Paris, and walkers love to stroll there, around the lake and along the paths. The public garden is then dotted with numerous stone or bronze statues, spread over 3 vast lawns, and the immense artificial lake is the home of many animals, from green-necked ducks to swans.Montsouris Park also houses the meteorological observatory , dating from 1947, as well as a 5 meter high stone obelisk. Although this obelisk has nothing to do with the Montsouris observatory, many people nevertheless nickname it “the sight of the observatory”.The little-known history of the parkBefore becoming one of the public gardens of Paris , Montsouris park was occupied by the old quarries of Montrouge. Acting as a necropolis, more than 6 million bodies were buried there. This mortuary labyrinth, worthy of the catacombs of Paris, complicated the construction of the park, as did the presence of two railway lines. And it was not the war against Prussia in 1870 that made things easier. The numerous mounds and the steep slopes of the park are today vestiges of the difficulties that Baron Haussmann and the engineer Alphand may have encountered during the development of the green space.Finally, the inauguration of the park took place in 1878, while Napoleon III had initiated the work in 1867. The emperor’s objective was then to create a park at each of the 4 cardinal points of the capital : Montsouris park to the south, the Bois de Vincennes to the east, the Parc des Buttes-Chaumont to the north and the Bois de Boulogne to the west.To develop the park, Napoleon III was inspired by London parks . He then wanted to create a meeting space for all social classes.Good to know: the name of Montsouris refers to the time when the Bièvre mills were falling into ruin and were only occupied by rodents. We then spoke of “Mouse Mountain”, or “Mouse Mock”.A sublime park to stroll in summerFrom your first steps in the green spaces of Montsouris park, you will be immersed in a bucolic atmosphere which will make you forget all the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the capital. The park then becomes the ideal place on hot summer days. With friends, family, lovers, or even alone, the park and its wide open spaces welcome you for a picnic, a short stroll, or just to sunbathe.In summer, the park is open until midnight, and the bandstand schedules numerous concerts to keep you dancing and humming all evening. During the day, the walk is just as pleasant, in the shade of the trees and to the rhythm of the songs of the many species of birds.To entertain you, the green spaces of the park are not left out. Ping-pong tables offer you the opportunity to experience wild games, the weather station arouses your curiosity, while the children rush to the playground and the carousel . And for those with a sweet tooth, the Pavillon Montsouris , right in the center of the park, guarantees delicious cuisine in a breathtaking setting.Good to know: Montsouris park previously hosted the Palais du Bardo. This oriental palace, inaugurated during the Universal Exhibition of 1867, unfortunately disappeared during a major fire in 1991.Visit Montsouris park: practical informationParc Montsouris is located in the 14th arrondissement of Paris, between Porte de Gentilly and Porte d’Arcueil. To get to the site, you can take numerous public transport (RER B, tram T3a, bus, etc.). From the B55 hotel, a few minutes on foot will be enough, since the park is only 500 meters from the hotel .Good to know: the park is accessible from rue gazan, boulevard Jourdan, avenue Reille, rue de la Cité-Universitaire, rue Nansouty, and rue Émile-Deutsch-de-la-Meurthe.The park is free and open all year round . In summer, you can walk there from 7 a.m. to midnight from Thursday to Sunday, and from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. from Monday to Wednesday. The rest of the year, the park closes at 5:45 p.m.The B55 hotel near Montsouris parkJust 500 meters from Montsouris Park, the B55 hotel welcomes you in a comfortable and warm setting. The 4-star Wine & Spa hotel immerses you in a unique experience of calm and relaxation , with fully equipped rooms and quality services.After long days of walking, take the time to enjoy a good glass of wine, thanks to our dispenser, and relax in the hotel’s wellness area. What to recharge your batteries before your next visit to Paris! To the south of Paris, Montsouris park is a place for walks where it is always pleasant to stroll. Near the B55 hotel, it is the ideal place to get some fresh air between two visits to tourist sites.


The 2024 Chinese New Year program!

Like every year, the Chinese New Year is celebrated as it should be in Paris, through a festive program not to be missed. Take advantage of your stay at the B55 hotel not to miss anything from the 2024 Chinese New Year program in Paris , under the sign of the Wooden Dragon.Chinese New Year: presentationThe Chinese New Year has different names, such as the Lunar New Year , the Tet Festival , or the Spring Festival . This grandiose celebration, which will take place this year on February 10, 2024, marks the start of the year according to the lunar calendar. It is commonly called Chinese New Year, but it concerns many other countries, such as Viet Nam, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Singapore.To celebrate this important date, nearly 15 days of celebration are organized in the capital and all over the world. The dragon parades are, of course, the highlight events of this New Year, but many other celebrations can be discovered in Paris throughout the month of February 2024.In the lunar calendar, each year is associated with a sign of the zodiac, each presented in the form of an animal. After a year 2023 placed under the sign of the Water Rabbit, 2024 will be the year of the Wood Dragon . This sign promises a year of abundance and luck in Chinese culture.Where to go to experience Chinese New Year 2024 in Paris?If you are visiting Paris in February, you can immerse yourself in Asian culture by experiencing this magical moment in the Chinese calendar. Of course, you will enjoy a vast festive program in the 13th arrondissementor in Belleville, where there is a large Asian community, but the entire capital is on fire for the event. You will therefore be able to perfectly experience this magical moment at Faubourg Saint-Honoré, on Place de la République, and almost everywhere in Paris.The program for Chinese New Year 2024 in ParisThe calendar of festivities for Chinese New Year 2024 promises to be colorful, with parades and shows that will introduce you to all the richness of Chinese culture and its traditional festivals.The famous Chinese New Year parade in ParisThe Chinese New Year parade in Paris is the flagship event of this festive period. A true custom not to be missed, this parade is undoubtedly the most anticipated in the capital. To do this, you will need to go to the 13th arrondissement on Sunday February 18, 2024 . From 1:30 p.m., the parade will start from Avenue de Choisy , where you can admire the stroll of a procession made up of musicians, dancers, and the famous tigers and dragons.The route will start from Rue du Disque, continue on Avenue de Choisy, continue on Boulevard Massena, before returning to Avenue d’Ivry.Good to know: there are large crowds on this holiday, so it is advisable to get there from 12 p.m. to be sure of a good place.The Marais paradeIn the Marais district too, in the 3rd and 4th arrondissement, the festivities take place every year. In February 2024, you will be able to attend the Chinese New Year parade by going to Place de la République , from 2:30 p.m. The procession will then guide you through rue du Temple, rue du Turbigo, rue Beaubourg and rue de la Verrerie. At 6 p.m., the procession will disperse, and you can continue to enjoy the festivities on the sidelines of the parade, by attending martial arts demonstrations or exhibitions.The Lunar New Year parade at Faubourg Saint-HonoréEvery year, the Faubourg Saint-Honoré district also celebrates the Chinese New Year, with a costumed parade of tigers, lanterns and dragons. Chinese folklore is on display in the 8th arrondissement, at the corner of Rue Royale and Faubourg Saint-Honoré.Belleville Food Market celebrates Chinese New YearThe lunar new year is also an opportunity to discover Asian culture , and in particular Asian gastronomy. The Belleville Food Market invites you to meet on Thursday February 15, 2024 to discover traditional recipes from all over Asia. The idea is to offer a market-canteen where you can taste all the tastiest Asian dishes , for €10 maximum. On the menu: nian gao, baozi, tangyuan, chángshòu miàn, dumplings, gua bao, or even iangbinguozi. We’re already salivating!Reminder of Chinese New Year 2023 festivitiesThe schedule for Chinese New Year 2024 has not yet been fully revealed, but we already know that Paris has some nice surprises in store for us, like last year. Remember, during the year 2023, many events have been organized to celebrate this important moment in the Chinese calendar.The Chinese cultural center in Paris offered a New Year’s concert, while the Light It Up evening highlighted artists from the capital’s Asian community. The famous Chinese pianist Chen Junhui also gave a “Piano Night” concert for the occasion and Franco-Asian comedians took the stage during the Stand Up Comedy special for the Lunar New Year.Numerous exhibitions were also organized to introduce visitors to Chinese traditions, with the distribution of red envelopes, the lantern festival, and the Chinese parade.Your Parisian hotel to enjoy Chinese New Year 2024Would you like to discover traditional Chinese festivals? Book your room at the B55 hotel and fully experience this event while staying less than 10 minutes from the Chinatown of Paris. You will then have the pleasure of enjoying a 4-star hotel decorated with a wine theme and enjoying a wellness session in the hotel spa. Nothing better to experience a Chinese New Year in a good mood, and to continue your stay by visiting all the most beautiful monuments in Paris.Come celebrate Chinese New Year 2024 in Paris , by attending parades, shows and exhibitions highlighting Asian culture. The B55 hotel is then the perfect base for you to rest between two festivities.


The B55: the best romantic hotel in Paris

Paris, the city of love, is the ideal destination for a romantic getaway. To celebrate your love, experience an unforgettable Valentine’s Day, or simply to enjoy a weekend for two, the B55 is the best romantic hotel in Paris .B55: your romantic hotel in ParisParis is the ideal city for lovers who want to live a unique experience in a romantic setting. So, after beautiful walks in the most beautiful parks and visits to the most beautiful monuments, the B55 hotel is the romantic hotel you need to relax.An ideal hotel in the heart of Paris 13The B55 hotel is one of the romantic hotels in Paris which will ensure you an unforgettable romantic stay. As soon as you arrive in this 4-star hotel in Butte aux Cailles , you will immerse yourself in the calm and cozy atmosphere of an establishment decorated with taste and modernity, on the theme of wine and vines.You can then rest peacefully with your loved one between two magical visits to Paris. For this, what could be better than sipping a glass of one of our best vintages from our wine distributor? wine by the glass ? At the bar or in your room, this moment of sharing ends the day with happiness and sweetness.The B55 hotel spaIn winter as in summer, visiting Paris is not easy, as there are so many riches to discover. After several hours of walking, nothing better than a moment of well-being and relaxation in the spa at the B55 hotel . The sauna and the backlit swimming pool offer you a bubble of softness far from the hustle and bustle of Paris, in a romantic and totally soothing setting.Our hotel rooms for two with balconyTo experience an unforgettable romantic getaway, the Parisian hotel B55 provides you with very comfortable rooms, with all the space you need to feel at home. And to make the experience even more magical, the rooms with balconies offer you an outdoor space with a view of one of the most beautiful cities in the world.You will then have the choice between the superior double room with small terrace, or the superior double room with large terrace. In the rooms, everything has been designed for your dream stay: wireless internet access, flat-screen television, coffee machine, minibar, Bluetooth speaker…How much does a romantic night cost in a Parisian hotel?For your next romantic getaway to Paris , it is recommended to book a room in a 4-star hotel , in an area of the capital that is both quiet and close to all the most beautiful sites. The services offered will give you everything you need to have a perfect stay, in the greatest comfort. Depending on your budget, several options are then offered to meet all your expectations.Do not hesitate to inquire directly with the B55 hotel, you will benefit from more advantageous rates than going through an intermediary.Romantic activities to do in ParisIf you want to leave your love nest to discover the beauty of Paris, several romantic addresses will ensure you prolong the magic of your stay as a couple.The Pont des Arts at sunsetThe Pont des Arts , in the 6th arrondissement, is nicknamed the Pont des Amoureux. For a long time, couples liked to meet there to hang a gift on the deck. Symbol of their eternal love, they sealed it forever by throwing the key into the Seine. Today, this practice is prohibited, because the weight of the padlocks threatened the structure of the bridge. But the place remains a meeting point for all lovers. In the evening, you will admire a beautiful sunset, hand in hand, to the sound of romantic music from the artists present on site.Picnic in a Parisian parkAfter a good night’s sleep in one of the best romantic hotels in Paris , grab a packed basket and take advantage of the good weather for a picnic in a Parisian park. The capital has no shortage of green spaces, and some are particularly suitable for romantic walks . You can then place your checkered tablecloth in the Luxembourg Gardens, in the Tuileries Gardens, in the Champ de Mars Park, or even in the Monceau Park.To complete your romantic experience, why not open a good bottle of Champagne, to sip quietly with your partner? The setting will be perfect for creating an unforgettable experience and incredible memories.A cruise on the SeineThere A trip on the Seine by barge or riverboat is one of the great romantic Parisian clichés, but this experience always has its effect. Depending on the company you choose, you can let yourself be carried away by the water to the sound of romantic music, or enjoy an enriching guided tour. All you have to do is curl up in each other’s arms and savor the moment. The emblematic monuments of Paris will then pass before your eyes: Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame Cathedral, Louvre Museum, Alexandre III Bridge, Orsay Museum…Explore the Montmartre districtIf there is one district of Paris that stands out for its romanticism, it is Montmartre . With its small cobbled streets, its street artists and its picturesque architecture, this district of the 18th arrondissement is an ode to love. Take the opportunity to visit the Museum of Romantic Life , or to discover the “I love you” wall , where 311 I love you are written in 250 languages. At the top of the Butte Montmartre, the Sacré-Coeur basilica offers you a magical view of Paris, the apotheosis of your romantic stay in Paris.Are you looking for a charming hotel with a cocooning atmosphere to enjoy the romantic atmosphere of Paris? The B55 hotel & spa , with its ideal location and comfortable rooms, is the perfect romantic hotel for your romantic stay in Paris.